Here are some of my preparation for school...
I managed to get all the modules that I want but spend 803points on Personality and Individual differences! Now left so little points in my programme account =( It's good that my social work only used 1point. I'm minoring in human services (which actually mean social work), and I have to share my programme account with psy modules and sw modules.

Woohooo... PTL, I've all the modules that I want. If I get the tutorial slots that I want too, then I effectively have classes only from Tuesday to Thursday. It'll be long long weekend for me. LET THAT HAPPEN!!!
Yanx & I went to ikea to shop for things to put and use in our hostel. Actually I didn't want to buy anything. I wasn't interested in decorating my room as I was afraid there will be a lot of cleaning to do. But well, I just couldn't resist to buy something.

Yanx & I wearing lamp covers =)



Hmms... -_-
I bought a dustbin because my dustbin for the previous sem were just plastic bags hanging by the window or on the floor. And got a rug. So that my floor will not look so empty.

I shall bring soft cushion or soft toys from home to put at the rug, so I'll have a cosy corner. I'm also gonna borrow a guitar and speakers. Hmmms.... I'll have more music in my room. The rug and music is inspired by Yeekiat. His room is so comfortable and cosy.
Yanx also bought the same dustbin but the white one. She also got photoframes to put my picture. Hahaha.
I had my hair done just yesterday. I'm quite satisfied with it though it could be better. The apparently red dye that my mum bought turned out to be brown on my hair. Arrggghx... Nvm! Then I went to a hairdresser @ Far East - "IN THE SALON". Dye blonde strips and cut my hair much shorter. The process was terrible cause I thought I looked weird. The strips didn't look very nice at first. And my hair looked funny. But when all was done, I was quite satisfied.
This is my hair before... I don't usually take pictures by meself and most of the time it's tied up. So this is the best "before" picture. Haha.

While waiting for my dye to dry... I was so tired waiting!


I think I look younger =D I bought a gold hairband because my fringe is shorter. I feel back in secondary school days where my friends and I always use hairband.
Well, I think the photo doesn't truly show how my hair is really like. Gotta see me in person! Hahaha
Afterwards, I went for dinner and spend the night with Joyce.

Joyce, you are special! And you are the best candidate to be yourself. I love you just the way you are.
So now, I guess I'm more or less ready for school. NUS, here I come!
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