Here are some pictures that are taken when my HC clique went to celebrate Lydia's birthday on Nov 2nd (1 day b4 her actual bday)... Happy Birthday Girl! You're really special and a gift from heaven.
This is just half of my HC gang. The rest couldn't make it. Actually, most of the time I didn't make it to our gatherings. Very sorry guys! pls pardon my absence...

We went to eat at a restaurant at Novena Square - "Bungalow". I think it sells Italian or issit Spanish food?!

This is escargot in garlic herb butter. It is very delicious! Unforgettable taste... the tenderness of the escargot, mixed with cheese and olive oil and served with fresh, tasty, toasted french loaf! Man, heaven on earth!

Kass & Lyd just enjoying the escargots.

Alwyn & Filbert - High Flyers of the gang. Congrats on ORDing!

Welcome to the 20club!

Lyd's a very special friend to me.

May you have the desires of your heart. Have the most fruitful and blessed year yet!

This is desert! We want to an ice cream shop (can't rmb the name). Every of your ice cream flavour is mixed with an ingredient of your choice. For example, we added gummy bears to choc ice cream. Bad choice! The bears became rock hard. There are many ingredients you can add, like M&NMs, orea, orange peel, mashmallow... It's a fun and different way to eat ice cream. Kinda like Ben and Jerry's ice cream with its chunks. Just that now you can choose the ingredients you wanna add and of course, the ice cream aint as rich as B&J's.

Look at his tannline!!! The result of constant outdoor cycling... woohoo...

Dottiee and Mammiee

1 comment:
Awww... it's okay, just remember to buy us presents when you come back okay? hhaaha..
-your mysterious lovers, hee
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