This is Jessica. One of the two friends I made when I first came to NUS. We've known each other for a year. And she's an awesome girl. I love to hang out with her. She is a friend who will be there to support you all the way. Love you girl!

Yuhui - a very sweet and nice girl.

Me, Huiqi and her new haircut. Nice cut... She's the livewire of my 'gang'. A great girl to hang out with. Fun Fun Fun!

My Lab Partner: Jiamin. A fun and lovely person! But we're always lost during stats lab.

Rongming in stats lect. He was looking exceptionally tired that day. Actually, we all are!

A beautiful singer. Valerie and her band are on their way to stardom!

Two very awesome guitarist from Eusoff Hall. Yeekiat & Kim. Rockers!

YeeKiat & Kim's band... if you can spot them...

I was having supper with Eusoffians at the BACK. And the uncle gave Yeekiat 2 spoons for his noodles. Smart!

The Golden Girl... My besty - Yanx is going SEA games running the lst leg for 4x100m. You go girl!

John aka JJ from my math class. He's really funny and looks so young! He looks like Wee Teck (HC tracker)! If not for him and his friends, I don't think I'm gonna make it for my math module. Thanks guys.

My good old brother! He's in dentistry now. He was on his way to play soccer and I was on my way to run. Our monday routine...
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