I went for a Christmas gathering with my JC gang. It's been sometime I've met some of them. Sorry for all my absence! Anyway, all of us (but 1 who went UK to study) were there. It was so cosy eating around the table. Really felt the love and warmth of Christmas from these very dear friends.
I left early, so didn't have many pictures...

Xiefiee, me & Lyd.
Accountant, Psychologist, Dentist

Xiefen made spring rolls. They tasted great! Last Christmas she made almond jelly with longan which was awesome too. Hmms... but this picture doesn't do justice to the spring roll =(

The salad that lyd and kasster made - which cause our dinner to start late. Haha. But with all honesty, it's one of the best salads I've eaten. Good things are worth the wait!
City Harvest is the best place to spend Christmas. I'm bias but I believe it's true for 51,000 people that came. Full of joy (from the drama), peace (from the candlelights) and hope (from the preaching)... elements of the Christmas Spirit.


Joyce, thanks for coming. It's great to spend xmas eve with you. So glad that we've been gr8 frens for 10years and counting... Love you always!


Charis (Beautiful name, it means grace) & Cindy (Sisters! They look quite alike) and Shihui.

My Dad joined my siblings & I this Christmas. We went to the Christmas fiesta where there were numerous stalls selling clothes at very low prices! Bought a Christmas gift for a friend there and a top for myself - Christmas present for myself. Hees. My sister and I tried to make our dad buy stuff for us but failed! Haha.

It was snowing at Expo... But only on Kit =D
Of course Christmas is about giving... But everyone wants to receive presents. And I have many awesome gifts from many special friends:

I absolutely love this necklace. It's a lollipop, NOT a microphone! It's cute, yet cool because of it's glitter! I'm into blink blink and shiny clothes and accessories.
Rina, thank you so much! I'm so touched by your love.

Cherry necklace. It's sweet! I plan to wear it to school. Thanks Des!

G - keychain

Angel Cookie! So beautiful and sweet...can't bear to eat it. Thanks Bestie!

I organized a Christmas gift exchange among my family members. Got everybody to write down 3 things they hope to receive on a piece of paper. Then we draw lots to see who are we giving to. Everyone was so happy to receive a gift that they want. Aunty Doris, thanks for the gift!

Another Christmas gift exchange. Got 2 tops...so in time because school is starting! New clothes for new semester. Thanks to my angel Mingyao and Marlin who help choose it!