I am creative.
Some people can draw well, some people make great films, others are able to write fanastic articles or put words together to form a beautiful poem. Some can sing, some can dance, and others can act.
For me, I love handicrafts. I love making cards, painting my nails & putting on make-up.
These are ways I express my creativity!
Recently, I tried to make Christmas cards... but was too lazy to complete. Opps! Half-done cards again.. Have quite a few half done cards from past Christmas. Hahaha.
I bought new make up from a make-up shop in Bangkok. Have yet to use them all... But I find myself being creative when I apply the eye shadow, blushes, foundation etc. I feel happy doing so... how I can enhance my appearance through make-up and how can I create different looks. Hmmx... maybe one day, I'll take up a course on grooming.
And did I mention, I love to paint my nails and paint nails for others. I did my first french manicure, with transparent light pink with purple tips. I tot it's going to be very challenging. It was difficult to paint my right hand, my left hand was shivering when holding the brush! But I receive quite good comments for a first timer. CNY is coming... I want to get nail stones & nail stickers to design my nails. I feel so delighted when I express my creativity in nail art!
So happy to discover these creative part of me in 2009 =D
EVERYONE is creative. Just need to find where your creativity lies, then use it and it'll just flow!